A lot of my craziest and most interesting stories come from middle school because our school wasn't the best and a lot of crazy stuff happened there, a lot of my friends from that school do crazy things too and they make funny stories which I enjoy sharing. The teacher for our middle school art class didn't really care what we did or what we said, sometimes she would raise her voice and tell people to watch their mouths or to be quiet. It was really rare for her to get up at all and when the classroom was really quiet you could hear her watching movies on her computer. While some people did work on projects and drawings, she only assigned projects for each month and then left us alone. So we had about four different projects during the year.
I remember a lot of the kids in that class didn't enjoy having subsitute teachers, mainly because they would actually make us do work. Other times it was because they would "critique" our work by making examples on our drawings and coloring over our drawings in attempt to show us how to do it properly. Seventh grade art class wasn't so bad, it was more of 8th grade where the school actually started caring what we did in that class. Maybe it was because kids would vandalize on the desks or the fact there was trash and mess everywhere in that classroom, but they assigned an actual seating chart and painted over all the vandalization on the desks.
They told us that we needed to stay in our seats and work because they'd check up on us periodically, which they didn't. They didn't even say anything when kids were getting out of there seats and grouping up with friends, they decided to update the seating charts so a lot of us were sitting in chosen seats rather than assigned ones. It didn't stop kids from vandalizing desks and chairs or finding things that could potentially hurt themselves.
Eventually they decided to force our art teacher into early retirement, they hired several subsitutes until they landed on this one guy that a lot of people liked. He actually had us work and it wasn't mindless work that anyone could do, it was more of skill testing projects and just random projects with no true organized line. He finally cleaned up the classroom and rearranged the desks so people could move around more. We got to pick our own seats too. Some people might've liked how it was before, I did too because it felt like an extended snack break(I had 3rd period for 7th grade and 2nd period for 8th grade). I also enjoyed the finalized classroom, the entire class was more refreshing than anything but I never learned anything in that class other than making a rabbit out of duct tape.